Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING
Foot Pegs For Road Bikes - JFG RACING

Foot Pegs For Road Bikes

$ 28.99 USD In Stock Sold out
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Foot Pegs For Road Bikes

  • For 2018-2019 CVO Road Glide FLTRXSE
    For 2017-2019 Road King Special FLHRXS
    For 2016-2019 Roadster XL1200CX
    For 2016-2017 Fat Boy S FLSTFBS
    For 2016-2017 Low Rider S FXDLS
    For 2016-2017 Softail Slim S FLSS
    For 2015-2019 Freewheeler FLRT
    For 2015-2019 Harley Davidson Street 750 XG750
    For 2015-2019 Road Glide FLTRX
    For 2015-2019 Road Glide Special FLTRXS
    For 2015-2019 Ultra Limited Low FLHTKL
    For 2015-2016 Electra Glide Ultra Classic Low FLHTCUL
    For 2014-2019 CVO Limited FLHTKSE
    For 2014-2019 Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCU
    For 2014-2019 Street Glide Special FLHXS
    For 2014-2019 Tri Glide Ultra FLHTCUTG
    For 2014-2019 Ultra Limited FLHTK
    For 2014-2017 Low Rider FXDL
    For 2014-2015 CVO Softail Deluxe FLSTNSE
    For 2012-2017 Softail Slim FLS
    For 2012-2016 Switchback FLD
    For 2011-2019 Road Glide Ultra FLTRU
    For 2011-2019 SuperLow XL883L
    For 2011,2015-2016 CVO Road Glide Ultra FLTRUSE
    For 2010-2017 Fat Bob FXDF
    For 2010-2017 Night Rod Special VRSCDX
    For 2010-2017 V Rod Muscle VRSCF
    For 2010-2017 Wide Glide FXDWG
    For 2010-2016 Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB
    For 2010-2014 Super Glide Custom FXDC
    For 2010-2013 Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK
    For 2010-2013 Road Glide Custom FLTRX
    For 2010-2011 Cross Bones FLSTSB
    For 2010-2011 Street Glide Trike FLHXXX
    For 2010,2015-2019 CVO Street Glide FLHXSE
    For 2009-2013 Tri Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCUTG
    For 2008-2009 Softail Cross Bones FLSTSB
    For 2007-2017 Street Bob FXDB
    For 2007-2013 Road King Classic FLHRC
    For 2007-2009 VRSCAW V Rod VRSCAW
    For 2007-2009 VRSCDX Night Rod Special VRSCDX
    For 2006-2019 Street Glide FLHX
    For 2006-2011 Sportster 1200 Low XL1200L
    For 2006-2008 VRSCD Night Rod VRSCD
    For 2006-2007 VRSCR Street Rod VRSCR
    For 2006,1986-1990    Heritage Softail FLST
    For 2005-2017 Softail Deluxe FLSTN
    For 2005-2009 Dyna Super Glide Custom FXDC
    For 2005-2007 Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC
    For 2005-2006 Dyna Super Glide Custom EFI FXDCI
    For 2005-2006 Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI
    For 2005-2006 Softail Springer Classic EFI FLSTSCI
    For 2004-2008 Sportster 1200 Roadster XL1200R
    For 2004-2008 Sportster 883 XL883
    For 2004-2007 Road King Custom FLHRS
    For 2004-2006 Dyna Low Rider EFI FXDLI
    For 2004-2006 Dyna Super Glide EFI FXDI
    For 2004-2006 Dyna Wide Glide EFI FXDWGI
    For 2004-2006 Road King Custom EFI FLHRSI
    For 2004-2005 VRSCB V Rod VRSCB
    For 2003-2006 Electra Glide Standard EFI FLHTI
    For 2002-2007 Sportster 883R XL883R
    For 2002-2006 VRSCA V Rod VRSCA
    For 2001-2008 Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI
    For2001-2006 Heritage Softail Classic EFI FLSTCI
    For 2001-2006 Night Train EFI FXSTBI
    For 2001-2006 Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI
    For 2001-2006 Softail Standard EFI FXSTI
    For 2001-2006 Springer Softail EFI FXSTSI
    For 2001-2003 Dyna Super Glide T Sport FXDXT
    For 2001-2003 Heritage Springer EFI FLSTSI
    For 2000-2007 Softail Deuce FXSTD
    For 1999-2009 Night Train FXSTB
    For 1999-2009 Sportster 883 Custom XL883C
    For 1999-2007 Softail Standard FXST
    For 1999-2005 Dyna Super Glide Sport FXDX
    For 1999-2000 Dyna Super Glide Convertible FXDS CONV
    For 1998-2009 Road Glide FLTR
    For 1998-2006 Road Glide EFI FLTRI
    For 1998-2006 Road King Classic EFI FLHRCI
    For 1997-2003 Heritage Springer FLSTS
    For 1996-2010 Sportster 1200 Custom XL1200C
    For 1996-2006 Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI
    For 1996-2006 Road King EFI FLHRI
    For 1996-2003 Sportster 1200 Sport XL1200S
    For 1995-2019 Road King FLHR
    For 1995-2009 Dyna Super Glide FXD
    For 1995-2009 Electra Glide Standard FLHT
    For 1995-2006 Ultra Classic Electra Glide EFI FLHTCUI
    For 1995-1998 Dyna Convertible FXDS CONV
    For 1995-1997 Bad Boy FXSTSB
    For 1994-1996 Heritage Softail Special FLSTN
    For 1993-2009 Dyna Low Rider FXDL
    For 1993-2008 Dyna Wide Glide FXDWG
    For 1991-1993 Low Rider Sport Edition FXRS SP
    For 1990-2017 Fat Boy FLSTF
    For 1990-1993 Low Rider Convertible FXDS CONV
    For 1989-2013 Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCU
    For 1989-1995 Ultra Classic Tour Glide FLTCU
    For 1988-2017 Heritage Softail Classic FLSTC
    For 1988-2006 Springer Softail FXSTS
    For 1988-2003 Sportster 1200 XLH1200
    For 1988-2003 Sportster 883 Hugger XLH883HUG
    For 1988-1995 Sportster 883 Deluxe XLH883DLX
    For 1987-1994 Low Rider Custom FXLR
    For 1987-1993 Electra Glide Sport FLHS
    For 1986-2010 Softail Custom FXSTC
    For 1986-2003 Sportster 883 XLH883
    For 1986-1994 FXR Super Glide FXR
    For 1986-1992 Low Rider FXRS
    For 1986-1987 Electra Glide FLHT
    For 1986-1987 Sportster 1100 XLH1100
    For 1985-2013 Electra Glide Classic FLHTC
    For 1985-1991 Tour Glide Classic FLTC
    For 1984-1992 Sport Glide FXRT
    For 1984-1990 Softail FXST
    For 1984-1986 Wide Glide FXWG
    For 1984-1986 XLX XLX
    For 1984-1985 Low Glide FXRS
    For 1984-1985 Low Rider FXSB
    For 1984-1985 Roadster XLS
    For 1984-1985 XR 1000 XR 1000
    For 2014    CVO Road King FLHRSE6
    For 2013    CVO Road Glide Custom FLTRXSE2
    For 2013    CVO Road King FLHRSE5
    For 2013    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE8
    For 2012    CVO Road Glide Custom FLTRXSE
    For 2012    CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE3
    For 2012    CVO Street Glide FLHXSE3
    For 2012    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE7
    For 2011    CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE2
    For 2011    CVO Street Glide FLHXSE2
    For 2011    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE6
    For 2010    CVO Fat Bob FXDFSE2
    For 2010    CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE
    For 2010    CVO Ultra Classic FLHTCUSE5
    For 2010    Super Glide FXD
    For 2010    V Rod VRSCAW
    For 2009    CVO Dyna Fat Bob FXDFSE
    For 2009    CVO Road Glide FLTRSE3
    For 2009    CVO Softail Springer FXSTSSE3
    For 2009    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE4
    For 2009    Dyna Fat Bob FXDF
    For 2009    Dyna Street Bob FXDB
    For 2009    VRSCF V Rod Muscle VRSCF
    For 2008    Custom Vehicle Operations Dyna FXDSE2
    For 2008    CVO Road King FLHRSE4
    For 2008    CVO Softail Springer FXSTSSE2
    For 2008    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE3
    For 2007    Custom Vehicle Operations Dyna FXDSE
    For 2007    CVO Road King FLHRSE3
    For 2007    CVO Softail Springer FXSTSSE
    For 2007    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE2
    For 2007    VRSCX VRSCX
    For 2007    50th Anniversary Sportster XL50
    For 2006    Custom Vehicle Operations Fat Boy FLSTFSE2
    For 2006    Custom Vehicle Operations V Rod VRSCSE2
    For 2006    CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide FLHTCUSE
    For 2006    Heritage Softail EFI FLSTI
    For 2006    Sportster 883L XL883L
    For 2006    Street Bob EFI FXDBI
    For 2006    Street Glide EFI FLHXI
    For 2006    35th Anniversary Super Glide FXDI35
    For 2005    Custom Vehicle Operations Fat Boy FLSTFSE
    For 2005    Custom Vehicle Operations V Rod VRSCSE
    For 2005    CVO Electra Glide FLHTCSE2
    For 2005    Sportster 883 Low XL883L
    For 2004    CVO Electra Glide FLHTCSE
    For 2004    CVO Softail Deuce FXSTDSE2
    For 2003    CVO Road King 2 FLHRSEI2
    For 2003    CVO Softail Deuce FXSTDSE
    For 2002    Custom Vehicle Operations FXDWG3 FXDWG3
    For 2002    CVO Road King FLHRSEI
    For 2001    Custom Vehicle Operations FXDWG2 FXDWG2
    For 2001    CVO Road Glide 2 FLTRSEI2
    For 2000    Custom Vehicle Operations FXR4 FXR4
    For 2000    CVO Road Glide EFI FLTRSEI
    For 1999    Custom Vehicle Operations FXR2 FXR2
    For 1999    Custom Vehicle Operations FXR3 FXR3
    For 1996    Ultra Classic Tour Glide EFI FLTCUI
    For 1994    Dyna Low Rider Convertible FXDS CONV
    For 1994    Electra Glide Road King FLHR
    For 1993    Heritage Softail Nostalgia FLSTN
    For 1992    Dyna Daytona FXDB
    For 1992    Dyna Glide Custom FXDC
    For 1991    Sturgis FXDB
    For 1987    Low Rider Chrome FXRC
    For 1986    Electra Glide Classic Liberty FLHTC
    For 1986    Grand Touring Edition FXRD
    For 1985    Electra Glide FLH
    For 1985    Electra Glide Special FLHX
    For 1985    Low Glide FXRC
    For 1985    Sportster XLH
    For 1985    Super Glide Fat Bob FXEF
    For 1984    Super Glide FXE
    For 1984    XLH Sportster XLH

Crafted from CNC 7075-T6 aluminum with high-strength stainless steel screw teeth, these foot pegs offer superior durability, wear resistance, and corrosion protection, ensuring long-lasting performance in tough riding conditions.

These foot pegs can be rotated 360 degrees to any angle and securely locked in place, allowing you to easily find the most comfortable and ergonomic riding position.

Equipped with 5 sharp, hardened stainless steel teeth, these foot pegs offer excellent grip and slip resistance, even in challenging off-road conditions. The teeth are removable and replaceable, allowing you to customize your ride according to your needs.

The sleek black finish complements any motorcycle style, while the 6063-T6 aluminum alloy construction offers both strength and lightweight performance.

1 Pair of 360° Rotatable Foot Pegs
4 Extra Screws (as shown in the pictures)

Easy to install. Installation instructions are not included. Be sure to check compatibility with your motorcycle before installation.


  • You can cancel the order at any time before JFG Racing has shipped the products to you. Under normal circumstances, JFG Racing will process your order cancellation request within 1-2 working days. Once the order has entered the shipped stage, it may not be canceled. Please contact us by
  • After you submit the cancellation request, we will send you the processing result by
  • If the cancellation is not successful, please contact us and follow the steps outlined in the Returns Policy to make a return.
  • The delivery cannot be delivered due to special reasons, including but not limited to natural disasters, government actions, social anomalies, etc. We will notify you by sending an email.
  • Refund time limit: Once a refund occurs, the refund amount will be returned to your account through the original payment channel. If you paid with Paypal, the refund amount will be credited within 3-7 business days. The arrival time of other banks/payment methods depends on the refund policy of each bank/payment channel.


      • At present, we do not support the exchange service. If you still want to exchange goods, please contact us.
      • JFG Racing offers a no-reason return policy for all purchased products within 60 days from the date of order.
      • Restrictions on no reason to return: Please ensure that the returned product is still in the original condition of purchase and meets the conditions for secondary sales. Specifically include the following requirements:
      1. The product is in good condition. That is, the surface of the product has no scratches, no wear/damage, no bumps, no traces of use, etc. the product can maintain its original quality and function;
      2. The outer packaging of the product is complete;
      3. If the product is equipped with accessories, the accessories should be complete.

      If the returned product does not meet the above return requirements, JFG Racing reserves the right to refuse to accept the return application, and the buyer shall bear the relevant shipping costs.

      • If you have a problem with the installation, please contact us.
      • If you think the product is defective or needs to be returned due to the seller's reasons, we can also provide you with a return service. Provided that the item to be returned meets the following return requirements:
      1. The surface of the product has serious scratches, serious wear/damage, serious bumps, and traces of use; the product cannot maintain its original quality and function;
      2. The outer packaging of the product is seriously damaged;
      3. The seller's reason. Including but not limited to the seller sending the wrong product, not delivering the product on time, etc.
      4. Please apply for a return within 60 days from the delivery date. If it exceeds 60 days, please contact us and inform the relevant reasons. We will deal with it according to the actual situation.
      5. Tips: If you find that the outer packaging is damaged/opened when you receive the package, please take some photos or videos and send them to us when you make a return application.
      • Other non-refundable situations:
      1. Damage caused by dismantling or repairing by consumers, or other man-made damage;
      2. There is damage to the product due to improper use;
      3. Products not sold by JFG Racing;
      4. Other laws and regulations exempt from warranty liability.
      • If the product is returned due to your reasons, the return shipping fee shall be borne by you personally.
      • If the product is returned due to the seller's reasons, the return shipping fee shall be borne by the seller.


        • Before returning the item, please contact us by to apply for a return. Failure to apply for a direct return may result in no refund.
        • After the return application is approved, if it is returned for your reason, please send it back by yourself and inform us of the tracking number; If it is the seller's reason, we will send you the return label by email attachment within 3-4 working days.
        • JFG Racing will check and refund the returned product within 4 working days after receiving the returned product, and inform you of the refund result by email. und amount will be returned to your account through the original payment channel, If you paid with Paypal, the refund amount will be credited within 3-7 business days. The arrival time of other banks/payment methods depends on the refund policy of each bank/payment channel.


        JFG Racing


        Anxin Zhu, 579 Jiuding Road, Baoshi No. 2 Plant, Yongkang, Zhejiang Province 321300 CN

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